Saturday, February 25, 2012

Possible Rules Infraction?

It is with great sorrow that the rules committee has just received saddening information of a possible rules infraction. In the initial post the rules were clearly put forth for the competition. In the CFR 19-2 paragraph C-2 it clearly states "There is to be no amputation of any kind by any of the contestants during the competion. If for life threatening circumstances a contestant needs any sort of amputation a Dr's note along with the exact weight of the removed body mass is to be submitted to the Biggest Loser's front offices within 7 days of the amputation."

The Biggest Loser is sad to report that the attached picture was submitted by an anonymous concerned citizen claiming Kim may have violated this rule. Apparently Kim left a large sum of skin and muscle tissue on 4100 S. and 6200 W. As the Biggest Loser medical staff has viewed the picture and crash sight they have determined it could be as much as 3.25 pounds of body tissue that Kim strategically left on the road. The rules infraction committee has received none of the required paper work and has started an investigation into the mater.

The infractions committee will be continuing this investigation and many contestants may be subpoenaed and questioned. And this will all occur while Kim is soaking in the warm waters of Hawaii so don't feel so bad for him

Week 7 Results

The week belongs to Aubray putting down a 3.37% weight loss! She is the recipient of the golden cheesecake award. Kim looks like his old self posting a fantastic 1.81% for the first loser. Gentry was not far behind with a 1.76%. Misty with a .61% rounds out those who reported and showed a loss. Lets give the top 4 a water melon cheer. The group lost 9.6 pounds. On a down point 11 people did not report. Lets give them a collective sigh and stink eye.

Aubray 3.37
Kim 1.81
Gentry 1.76
Misty 0.61
Chris 0.00
Ciara 0.00
Joe 0.00
Karen 0.00
Kelly 0.00
Nannette 0.00
Nikki 0.00
Travis 0.00
Joani -0.08
Curt -0.36
Jennifer -0.40
Chaz -1.30
Breanna DNR
Chance DNR
Chase DNR
Chelsea DNR
Cole DNR
Cynthia DNR
Frank DNR
Hailee DNR
Kami DNR
Savannah DNR
Scott DNR

The standings

The weights are in and Ciara retains the top spot, but not without a challenge from Kim just .21% away, however with the rules infraction the committee is still determining if his weight will count. GENTRY is making some major noise jumping up 3 spots to get a taste of the glory. Chance's failure to report is just a very sad sad day,but he's in 4th place.

As a group we lost 9.6 pounds for a total group weight loss of 258.7

1 Ciara 10.90
2 Kim 10.69
3 Gentry 8.46
4 Chance 7.51
5 Joe 7.27
6 Kelly 7.24
7 Aubray 6.52
8 Curt 6.17
9 Nikki 5.79
10 Chelsea 5.51
11 Nannette 5.41
12 Misty 5.06
13 Jennifer 4.68
14 Karen 4.59
15 Travis 4.39
16 Scott 4.13
17 Kami 3.87
18 Frank 3.82
19 Cole 3.49
20 Cynthia 3.30
21 Chris 3.12
22 Breanna 3.02
23 Joani 2.59
24 Chase 2.39
25 Hailee 2.01
26 Savannah 1.00
27 Chaz 0.32

Friday, February 10, 2012

The Standings

At the half way point of the competition those fighting for the cash prizes are jockeying for position. However, as Kim showed the first month of the competition it still can be anyone's for the taking. The top 3 spots remained the same with Kim leading the competition. Joe leapfrogged Chance to take the 4th spot.
The group has lost a total of 238.8 pounds in just 6 short weeks.
1 Kim 9.82
2 Ciara 9.73
3 Kelly 8.16
4 Joe 7.27
5 Chance 7.22
6 Curt 6.51
7 Nannette 6.03
8 Nikki 5.79
9 Chelsea 5.45
10 Gentry 4.76
11 Travis 4.39
12 Kami 4.32
13 Jennifer 4.21
14 Karen 4.19
15 Scott 4.13
16 Frank 3.82
17 Misty 3.55
18Cynthia 3.30
19 Aubray 3.26
20 Breanna 3.02
21 Joani 2.59
22 Cole 2.52
23 Chris 2.43
24 Chase 2.39
25 Hailee 2.01
26 Chaz 1.39
27 Savannah 1.00

Week 6 Results

Week 6 is in the books and Breanna is the Biggest Loser with a .1.13% weight loss, and is the recipient of the slice of cheesecake!. Scott fresh off his vacation has the weight just dripping off of him taking second place with .89%, but just right behind him in second was Curt .88%. The group lost a not so fantastic 3.2 pounds this week. Don't get discouraged with the lack of weight lost, as we learned a few weeks ago when building muscle and losing fat you may not see the pounds falling off. Keep up the hard work and it will pay off.

Breanna 1.13
Scott 0.89
Curt 0.88
Joani 0.78
Ciara 0.52
Kelly 0.50
Joe 0.49
Kim 0.28
Nannette 0.00
Gentry 0.00
Travis 0.00
Kami 0.00
Karen 0.00
Cynthia 0.00
Savannah 0.00
Chaz -0.33
Chance -0.40
Cole -0.50
Jennifer -0.60
Misty -0.61
Hailee -0.69
Chris -0.80
Aubray DNR
Chase DNR
Chelsea DNR
Nikki DNR
Frank DNR

What Makes Up a Calorie?

Calories are a unit of energy that our bodies use to fuel our body functions and movements. All the calories that come from food come from three sources, well actually four; fat, protein, carbohydrates and alcohol (we will just focus on the BIG 3). For each gram of each of these macronutrients (can you say that with me? All together Macro-nutrients) there is an associated amount of calories. For each gram of fat there is about 9 calories (there are probably some decimals) , one gram of protein = 4 calories and one carbohydrate is 4 calories, alcohol is 7 calories per gram. So yes you can have 2 grams of protein and carbs and still have less calories than you would for 1 gram of fat. So when you see on the label calories from fat this is where it comes from. They could also have it labeled calories from protein and calories from carbs.
Let’s use this nutritional fact as an example

18 grams of fat= (18*9)=162 calories from fat
4 grams of carbs=(4*4) 16 calories form carbs
4 grams of protein =(4*4) 16 grams of protein
194 total calories

You may notice a small discrepancy in the calories through addition and those shown on the nutritional facts that is usually because the manufacturer can remove insoluble fiber from the total calories per serving, because insoluble fiber passes through the body without being converted to energy, so they don’t need to show it.

As far as the ratio between the 3 for your daily caloric intake the numbers vary, and ultimately it comes down to figuring out what works best for you. The general consensus between all the varying information is your carbs should account for about 50-55%, while protein should be around 20-30% and fat 15-25%. For those who are trying to lose weight the proteins should defiantly be around 30% and less in the fat intake.

Ultimately if you over consume either of the 3 macronutrients the excess calories will be converted to fat and stored for your body to use at another time(at least that’s your bodies future plan). The difference between the 3 comes from what it takes to actually convert itself to the fat to be stored. For both protein and cabs it actually takes about 25% of the excess calories to convert it to fat. Fat however only takes 3% of the excess calories to convert it. So if you over consumed 100 calories from each of the macronutrients your body would store up only 75 calories of the 100. While the fat calories would hoard 97 of those calories. So if you’re going to over indulge make sure you do it with carbs and proteins.
Finally I found this, check it out. It shows various pictures of food portioned out to 200 calories. It might help when you just want to get full and not consume lots of calories.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Omega-3 the Miracle Supplement

What is Omega 3?

Omega-3 essential fatty acids, also known as polyunsaturated fatty acids, are necessary for a variety of body processes including effective blood clotting, inflammation reduction and maintaining cellular membrane fluids. Omega-3's can't be produced the body and must be obtained from diet. Symptoms of omega-3 fatty acid deficiency include poor memory, dry skin, fatigue, heart problems, depression, mood swings and poor circulation.
Omega-3 cannot be produced in the body so it must be supplemented through diet
Fish Oil is the most common and popular place to obtain the omega 3 EPA and DHA. According to the American Heart Association, fish high in omega-3 include salmon, herring, mackerel, tuna, and sardines. Flax seeds are another popular source of obtaining omega 3. Of course over the counter pills are a great source and now there are even prescription forms of the Omega 3.

What are the health benefits of taking omega 3?

The Health benefits of Omega 3 are plentiful and widespread they include the following:

1. It helps in the reduction of triglycerides by up to 50 %. Reducing your chance of heart disease and diabetes.
2. Research has shown that omega 3 is good for lowering the risk of heart attack by 28%
3. Omega 3 reduces inflammation and pain associated with exercise
4. Increases brain function, memory and can increase IQ
5. Increases both male and female fertility along with improving and balancing hormone levels
6. Lowers depression levels for people with depression issues

How much omega 3 should I be taking?

The American Heart Association suggests partaking of 2 serving of fish per week to get you that fix. However this is simply not enough omega 3, to do all the magical things that omega 3 does. It all comes down to what you are trying to accomplish when using omega 3. If you are younger and trying to reduce your chances of heart disease then approximately 900mg is suggested. If you have high triglycerides and are trying to lower them as much as 1,800 mg can be taken, but if you are taking this much you will want to be discussing the matter with a Dr. and considering the prescription style omega

Omega 3 is simply a must in anyone’s diet because of all the benefits and lack of adverse side effects. Without adding too much extra information a problem that continues to be studied is an imbalance of our omega 6 to omega 3 consumption in the modern diet. Omega 6 is obtained through grains and seeds. Most diets in the Western world are high on grains and low on Marine life thus creating a greater gap between a proper 4:1 ratio to something like 20:1. As you add omega 3 to your diet this ratio is brought back closer to the suggested ratio and your chances of having diabetes, cancer and depression is greatly reduced.

The Standings

Here are the standings. Kim retains his number one spot despite his gain for week 5, Ciara puts up great numbers and jumps two spots to sit firmly in second place, with Kelly hanging on to third place.

The groups total weight-loss to date is 235.6 pounds.

1. Kim 9.56
2. Ciara 9.26
3. Kelly 7.70
4. Chance 7.59
5. Joe 6.82
6. Nannette 6.05
7. Nikki 5.79
8. Curt 5.67
9. Chelsea 5.45
10. Jennifer 4.78
11.Gentry 4.76
12. Travis 4.39
13. Kami 4.32
14. Karen 4.19
15. Misty 4.14
16. Frank 3.82
17. Cynthia 3.30
18. Scott 3.27
19. Aubray 3.26
20. Cole 3.01
21. Chris 2.82
22. Hailee 2.68
23. Chase 2.39
24. Breanna 1.92
25. Joani 1.83
26. Chaz 1.71
27. Savannah 1.00

Week 5 Update

Week 5 is in the books and Ciara comes out once again on top and wins the coveted Cheesecake special. Travis steps up to grab the second spot with Kami putting up some good numbers to take the 3rd spot.

As a group we lost 15.2 pounds

1.Ciara 1.90
2. Travis 1.51
3. Kami 1.08
4. Misty 1.01
5. Scott 0.92
6. Nikki 0.87
7. Gentry 0.85
8. Karen 0.83
9. Breanna 0.75
10. Joe 0.49
11. Joani 0.23
12. Chris 0.10
13. Chance 0.04
14. Aubray 0.00
15. Chase 0.00
16. Chaz 0.00
17. Chelsea 0.00
18. Cole 0.00
19. Curt 0.00
20. Cynthia 0.00
21. Frank 0.00
22. Hailee 0.00
23. Jennifer 0.00
24. Savannah 0.00
25. Nannette -0.27
26. Kelly -0.50
27. Kim -0.92