The competition has finally drawn to a close. The competition was hot and heavy as competitors battled for the title of BIGGEST LOSER! When the dust finally settled CIARA did work and was crowned the winner and all the prize money with it $340 US, but that was not without a fight. Kim finished just .66% behind to be named the 1st runner up and received $100US. Gentry had an amazing weight loss journey receiving the tiara and the title of 2nd runner up, and 25$ US and $25 gift card to bout time. Kelly put the vacation behind her and showed that despite what is going on in your life weight loss (magic) can happen, she finished as the third runner up, along with $18 cash money! Congratulations to all the winners!
Congratulations to all who participated in the competition, you are part of only 20% of all Americans still sticking to their new years resolution and for that you are all winners. It doesn't take a slip of paper, or cash money to say your a winner. It is said every time you jump on the scale without cringing, it said each time you can say no to dessert, it is said each time you increase your mileage on your Saturday run, or add another 20 Lbs to your bench max. It is said each time you look into the mirror and say daaamn Girl! It is said each time you shake off the dust of night and head to the gym at 6:00 AM, or when you choose the gym over prime time television programing. It is whispered in you ear when you say salad with dressing on the side when those fries sound so good. YOU ARE A WINNER!
Team Biggest Loser, The New You In 2-0-1-2 is also a winner! As a group we lost an amazing 308.9 Pounds! WE ARE WINNERS!

1 Ciara 17.00
2 Kim 16.34
3 Gentry 15.85
4 Kelly 11.16
5 Joe 7.27
6 Aubray 7.13
7 Curt 6.59
8 Chance 6.40
9 Nikki 6.20
10 Misty 5.60
11 Chelsea 5.51
12 Nannette 5.41
13 Karen 5.39
14 Travis 5.37
15 Jennifer 5.11
16 Frank 3.82
17 Joani 3.73
18 Chris 3.70
19 Cynthia 3.30
20 Kami 3.13
21 Scott 3.11
22 Breanna 3.02
23 Hailee 2.68
24 Cole 2.42
25 Chase 2.39
26 Savannah 1.00
27 Chaz -0.21
2 Kim 16.34
3 Gentry 15.85
4 Kelly 11.16
5 Joe 7.27
6 Aubray 7.13
7 Curt 6.59
8 Chance 6.40
9 Nikki 6.20
10 Misty 5.60
11 Chelsea 5.51
12 Nannette 5.41
13 Karen 5.39

14 Travis 5.37
15 Jennifer 5.11
16 Frank 3.82
17 Joani 3.73
18 Chris 3.70
19 Cynthia 3.30
20 Kami 3.13
21 Scott 3.11
22 Breanna 3.02
23 Hailee 2.68
24 Cole 2.42
25 Chase 2.39
26 Savannah 1.00
27 Chaz -0.21

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